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Modular Clean Room

We specialize in the design, construction and installation of modular clean rooms for any project in any industry, including aerospace, microelectronics, nutraceuticals and medical device manufacturing. With our unique design approach, and a commitment to customer satisfaction

Modular cleanrooms can be designed to match the specifications of nearly any project.

  • Functional Design: Function dictates design. Modular cleanrooms allow for a wide range of sizes and functions that fit the needs of your industry, space and budget.
  • Easily Customized: We can customize your modular cleanroom specifically to your needs by including: anterooms, doors, pass thru’s, windows, and other options.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Our cleanrooms meet the standards of USP 797 (FDA compliant rooms) and ISO 5 – ISO 8 (Class 100– 100,000).